Planning & Itinerary


We will be departing the USA from Charlotte Douglas International Airport. On the date of departure, all team members will meet at the departure gate. In order to arrive at the departure gate on time, please account for travel time to the airport, parking, check-in, and security as you make your plans. Once we arrive in Frankfurt, Germany we will collect our luggage, meet one of our hosts, board a charter bus and travel to Kusel to settle into the dormitory, refresh, and anticipate a good dinner. It is important to intentionally seek opportunities for physical rest. We will experience a full week of humanitarian work, musical performances, and enjoyment of the local culture, communities, and Christian congregations.

You will be traveling as a musical missionary during another country’s holiday season. This means you’ll experience yummy and enticing German foods, outdoor Christmas markets, iconic cultural sites, cold weather, and full days.

While planning your trip, the following packing considerations are important.
Plan to pack:
-spending money for afternoon outings to markets and towns
-warm casual clothes to wear prior to concerts
-headphones, sheet music, and a Bible in order to utilize long bus rides as personal times of devotion and musical preparation.
-an electrical adapter and maybe a converter. For information on adapters/converters click HERE.
-throat lozenges and a water bottle. You will be singing every day. Plan to take care of your vocal health.
-small travel bags for toiletry essentials that can be easily carried on and off the charter bus each day. You’ll dress for each evening’s concert at a different venue each night.
-comfortable walking shoes to wear during afternoon outings

As we approach our date of departure, our travel itinerary will become more developed. Updates to our itinerary will be posted to this page as they are received from our host churches.

To Be Announced

To Be Announced

To Be Announced

To Be Announced

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